Every spring I get the fever to plant flowers and turn my front porch into a springtime paradise. This spring I haven't had to energy to do just that YET. I am also trying to wait until closer to Mother's Day like they say you are supposed to do. My mom is coming in town the first weekend in May and I have already recruited her to help me do it up right. This is probably going to be the last spring in my cute little old house and I want to go all out. I want lots of pretty flower pots, front porch spring decor, and a new wreath for my front door. These pics have inspired me! I am dying to get to hobby lobby and the flower nursery and get started on my project!

One year, I got a LITTLE obsessed with planting some sweet potato vine.. It grew like it was on major steroids. It took over the front porch and keep growing. To this day, my mom tells me every year.. NO POTATO VINE! She came in town that summer and helped me rip it out. It actually rooted some BIG potatoes. It was quite hilarious! This pic was taken by a downtown Rogers photographer during that time and was for sale at a local art shop. I thought it was so neat that my front porch was photographed. I love this pic! I have it framed and in my living room so I can always remember that summer!
Happy Spring!
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